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The Importance of Travel Protection:

Why It’s a Must for Every Traveler

This week, I was reminded of the many things that can happen unexpectedly when traveling. Unplanned adventures can be fun, exciting additions to your trip…something you discovered while exploring…or they can be not-so-fun challenges of the ‘misadventure’ variety. 

When planning a trip, whether it’s a short getaway or an extended vacation, many people overlook an essential aspect of their travel arrangements: travel protection. 

Planning your next vacation, and have questions about what protection plans are available? Reach out here, and we’ll help you plan – and protect – your perfect vacation. 

Notice I’m saying travel protection instead of travel insurance. The term ‘insurance’ can sometimes make people uncomfortable, and they may dismiss it as an unnecessary upsell. However, travel protection is crucial, especially for the unforeseen events that can occur after departure. Here’s why it’s a great idea to add travel protection every time you travel:

photo of multiple elements representing travel: passports, a model airplane, a model car, sunglasses, a straw hat, a starfish, and a clipboard and pen with a form on it that says "Travel Protection" across the top

Many travelers think of travel protection only in terms of pre-departure scenarios, such as trip cancellations. They may believe they don’t need it if their trip is very affordable, or if they’re confident they won’t have to cancel. However, the real value of travel protection often becomes apparent once the trip has begun.

Real-World Scenarios
Imagine this: you’ve embarked on your journey, reached the airport, and suddenly, something goes wrong. It’s not just about the money you’ve spent on the vacation…unexpected medical expenses, lost luggage, or travel delays can add up quickly. Here are some common situations where travel protection proves invaluable:

  1. Travel Delays: Policies often cover delays from as little as three hours, providing reimbursement for meals, accommodations, and other expenses.
  2. Missed Connections: If you miss a connecting flight and subsequently miss your cruise departure, travel protection can help you get to the next port of call or reimburse your costs.
  3. Baggage Loss: If your luggage is lost in transit, travel protection can cover the cost of essential items you need to buy while waiting for your bags.
  4. Medical Emergencies: Whether you’re traveling internationally or within the U.S., medical expenses can be exorbitant. Your domestic health insurance might not cover you abroad, and even within the U.S., being out of network can lead to high costs. In severe cases, medical evacuation from a cruise ship or remote location can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Real-Life Examples
To illustrate the importance of travel protection, let’s look at some real-life examples:

  • Alaskan Cruise Connection Issue: One of our clients missed their Alaskan cruise departure due to severe weather causing flight delays in Dallas Fort Worth. Thanks to travel protection, they were reimbursed for the trip they couldn’t take.
  • Lost Passport in Europe: Another client had their passport stolen while in Europe; travel protection assisted in getting a new passport and covered the associated costs.
  • Injury at Disney World: A traveler fell and shattered their kneecap at Disney World, requiring major surgery. Travel protection covered the medical expenses and the lost vacation time.

The Value of Expert Advice
Many travelers opt for the cheapest online travel insurance, which might not provide adequate coverage. Working with a travel advisor can help ensure you get the right protection for your specific needs. Here at The Curated Travel Collection, we collaborate directly with trusted travel protection companies, offering personalized advice and assistance.

Most travel protection claims arise from incidents that happen after departure, which can have a far more significant financial impact than canceling a trip beforehand. Investing in travel protection might seem like an unnecessary expense initially, but it can save you from substantial unexpected costs and provide invaluable peace of mind.

Before your next trip, consider speaking with a travel advisor about the best travel protection options for your journey. It’s a small investment for significant peace of mind, ensuring that your travel adventures are as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Want a truly stress-free vacation? Reach out here so we can help you plan and protect your next trip.

Relax, we’ll take care of everything,

Amy Westerman
The Curated Travel Collection